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AUGUST 15, 2024 at 12:00 PM EDT

The Future of Customer Decision-Making

Live Digital Seminar

86% of end users say the project process has changed in the last three years. ThinkLab has spent the last six months examining HOW in our latest Design Hackathon. Join ThinkLab for a behind the scenes look at top changes in customer decision-making across workplace, hospitality, healthcare, and higher education sectors.

This Digital Seminar is approved for 1 CEU, IDCEC.

Designed for:

  • Audience: All

  • Experience Level: All

  • Time: 60 minutes

  • Cost: Complimentary

Meet our Featured Guests

This month we are pleased to feature our expert researchers and industry thought leaders at ThinkLab for a candid conversation forecasting the future of the design industry.

Meet our Hosts

Amanda Schneider
Meredith Campbell
Erica Waayenberg
Amanda Schneider

Founder and President

Meredith Campbell

Applied Research Strategist

Erica Waayenberg

Head of Research

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